Bee Week
Oughterside School Council organised for a week off timetable learning all about bees! This links with the Parish Council's wild flower planting scheme.
Take a look at some of the fun things we have done!
Bee Information

Extracting Honey!
One of our parents has a bee hive at home and kindly let us use their honey extractor so the children could see where honey comes from. From two honey combs we extracted six jars of honey!
Visit from our local bee keeper (and parent!)
Mrs Berkeley came into school and spoke to all the children about the role of bees and how the colony works together as a team. We found out that all the bees in the hive have different jobs and the children asked some fantastic questions to increase our knowledge and understanding about bees. We also got to see bees in a mobile hive that Mrs Berkeley brought into school and see a bee keepers outfit!
Cooking with honey!
Amanda from Phunky Foods came into school and worked with each class to make different recipes. Crummock class worked alongside their peers in Derwent class to make Nut Free Energy Balls and Berry Banana Cheesecake. We were able to take our cheesecakes home to share.

Please see the links to the Phunky Foods website for the recipes we used.
Get Cumbria Buzzing!
Our last visitor was Sophie from Cumbria Wildlife Trust. She worked with Crummock class to investigate which insects we had in our school outside area. They also provided every child in school with a plug plant to plant in the school grounds to attract even more pollinators!
Observational Watercolours
We looked at real honeycomb through magnifying glasses to make pencil drawings and then used watercolours to add some the colour. The green sections on some of the paintings is the pollen that the bees take into the hive, the brown areas are left over honey patches.