Summer - STEM for sustainability project
We were very lucky to be accepted on to the Role Model Teachers programme this year which meant we received four STEM kits to help us teach pupils about how we can work together to meet the world sustainability goals.
Sustainable lighting
Today we used the Twin modules to create a successful electricity circuit to ensure the light worked. We then added a button and latch module to make the light more energy efficient so it was constantly on.
Finally we found a way to reduce the amount of energy we used by using a dimmer switch and measuring the amount of electricity it used.
Proximity Sensors
Today we explored how proximity sensors are used to in cars. Parking sensors use technology to help prevent collisions and keep us safe.

Using Sound sensors
We explored how sound sensors can be used to help support people with disabilities. We talked about times that sound sensors could help people who are deaf to know someone was at the door or to warn them about safety alarms. We used an LED light and ensured this would come on if the sound sensor was triggered.

Online Safety Talk - Cumbria Constabulary
Our local PCSO, Pete, spoke to all our classes about online safety.
He spoke to our KS2 classes about the dangers of speaking to people online. He gave the example of a person who superimposed a photograph of a teen on to images in order to fool a teenager to meet them. When the teen went to meet this person they were faced with a 50 year old man, as opposed to their teenage friend who they thought they were meeting.
He highlighted the fact that they were unlikely to speak to people they do not know outside, so why would it be ok to speak to people they don’t know online.
We also spoke about age limits and that these are to help protect people from being exposed to something that is inappropriate or could make us worried.
The Kidsafe rules of speaking to a trusted adult were reinforced during this session.
Autumn 2 - Programming

Last half term, we learnt how to send emails and how it was a much more efficient way to communicate. We are going to continue to explore this when communicating with our link school in Slovakia.
This half term we are going to explore programming through the use of scratch. Your child is able to explore this at home by logging in as a guest. Please use the link below if you would like them to show you the program at home.