Design Technology
Spring 1 - Eating Seasonally
This half term Crummock class will be learning about seasonal ruins and vegetables, where they are grown, and the vitamins and minerals they provide.
We have started by finding out about where fruits and vegetables and grown, learning about which foods are imported in to the UK and exported out to other countries.
We used atlases to identify different foods on the map.
We joined the gladiators Phantom and Dynamite for a live lesson about Micro:bits
Designing a wearable piece of digital technology
Crummock class have been set the task of designing a piece of digital technology that could be worn by children their way to and from school during winter. In winter the mornings and afternoons are often darker and we want our product to make children more visible when crossing the road.
Our designs
Using a microbit
Mothers Day Cards 2024
We chose from four possible designs for our Mother’s Day cards this year and used these as inspiration for our own cards. Lots of us made changes to these designs to make them our own. We selected our own materials from the resources available.
Happy Mothers Day to all the Mams, Mums, Nannas and Grandmas who help support our pupils in Crummock Class 💕
Spring 2 - Structures: Pavillions
This half term our design technology lesson will be all about structures.
Over the term pupils will:
Produce a range of free-standing frame structures of various sizes.
Design their own pavilion that is strong, stable and aesthetically pleasing.
Select appropriate materials for their own structure
Exploring frame structures
Crummock class explored different structures in today’s lesson before having a try at creating a simple structure using straws and playdough. They experimented by making different shapes and testing the sturdiness of the structure.
Autumn 2 - Christmas Coffee Morning
On Tuesday 5th December, we were joined by Amanda from Phunky foods.
Our class made mince pies for the school coffee morning being held on Wednesday 6th December. We worked within teams of five to create our own pastry and then cut out our bases and star toppers. Great teamwork in Crummock.
Even our class elves, Sparkle and Twinkle, were baking!
Cultural Week 19th - 23rd June
We have been learning all about countries across Europe. We were joined by Phunky Foods to cook healthy Pizza, even making our own dough using yoghurt and flour.
See below for recipe to try this at home.
Summer Term - Seasonal Fruit and Vegetables
This half term we have been learning about seasonal fruits and vegetables around the world. We also found out that colours give us clues as to what vitamins and minerals are in our food.
Seasonal Tarts
Crummock class used seasonal vegetables to make tartlets. They used lots of skills such as chopping and grating to help them to cook the tarts. I’ve added the recipe below if you would like to try and make them together at home. I've also included some demonstration videos showing the grating and bridge hold skills we used.
If you enjoy cooking at home and would like some inspiration then you may want to visit the PhunkyFoods website. They have lots of family friendly recipes to choose from.
Designing a race car!
Crummock class have been working on designing their own race car. They used dowel to create a frame then used a template to create the body.
Sewing Christmas Decorations
Crummock class used a running thread to make snowman decorations for our trees at home!
The decorations look lovely on our class tree 😀
Autumn 2 - Electrical Systems
Today we started our new D&T project. By the end of project we will create our own torch. This links with our Science topic this half term which is about Light
We have started our project by finding out about electrical circuits and explored what equipment was needed to create a successful circuit. After creating a human circuit we found out that a break in the circuit would stop it from working, we created our own using wires, batteries and bulbs. All the children were very excited when they were able to make the bulb light up! We then made switches to add to our circuits to investigate how breaks in a circuit help to turn items on and off.
Creating our Torches - prototype 1 - 30th November
After spending weeks learning about electrical systems, researching torches, and designing our own torches, this week we made our own torches!
The children had lots of fun making these. Some of the torches were unsuccessful and we will use some time next week to make adjustments to our circuits to see if we can make our torches light up. Its important that the children understand that this is all part of the process..... James Dyson made 5127 prototypes for the Dyson hoover before he built one that worked exactly as he had imagined!