Politics for Beginners
We’ve been thinking about some of the questions this book might answer when we read it. We’ve also been thinking about: How our country is run? Who’s in charge? How do they get to be in charge and lead the country? What kind of things they make decisions on? How do they make the decisions? …..and the list goes on. To begin with because Derwentwater aren’t old enough to vote they thought that politics had nothing to do with them. However, they have soon changed their minds when they realised politics is everywhere and how important it is to show an interest so they understand how it all works for when they are old enough.
Library Van Visit
We had the pleasure of another library van visit this week, we enjoyed listening to a story on the bus before we refreshed all our books from the library van, the football section was very popular as usual ⚽️📚
Each half term we read a class book planned through the Literary Curriculum programme. Take a look at the books we have been reading...
Hidden Figures
This has been a fantastic book and Derwentwater have really enjoyed it. They found out just how good Katherine, Dorothy, Mary and Christine were at maths, they were really good. So good they were able to help achieve the impossible! They lived in a time when being black and being a woman meant they weren’t given equal opportunities but their skill, resilience, determination and hard work helped them not only change their own lives but the lives of many others. They helped put an man on the moon!
Library Van visit
We’ve enjoyed a visit from the library van this week to refresh the books we have in our library. Lots of great choices and enthusiasm about which book they’ll read next.
The Last Bear - Autumn 2
There are no polar bears left on Bear Island. At least, that’s what April’s father tells her when his scientific research takes them to this remote Arctic outpost for six months. But one endless summer night, April meets one. He is starving, lonely and a long way from home. Determined to save him, April begins the most important journey of her life…
Windrush Child - Autumn 1
Derwentwater have just started their current book ‘Windrush Child’ by Benjamin Zephaniah. It’s a fabulous book and has inspired them into some fantastic letter writing as the main character Leonard, whose dad was aboard Empire Windrush back in 1948 and came to live in England, leaving Leonard behind in Jamaica with his Grandma while Dad tries to build a new life so Leonard can come and join him.
Child of the Arosa Star Poems
Derwentwater worked really hard to create their own version of John Agard’s poem, ‘Windrush Child’, using features and structures previously analysed as a class. Children could work in pairs to write their poems and we decided to call them ‘Child of the Arosa Star’ in reference to Leonard from the story.
Child of the Arosa Star

Child of the Arosa Star

Child of the Arosa Star

Child of the Arosa Star

Derwentwater have loved reading Cogheart by Peter Bunzl, it really captured their imagination and has inspired some fantastic writing from them. They’ve written Newspaper Reports about Lily Hartmans’ fathers Zeppelin crash as well as writing diary entries as Lily when she becomes suspicious about Madame Verdigris’ actions and what her motive might be.
Freedom Bird
This half term we are reading the book Freedom Bird by Jerdine Nolen, which tells the story of a brother and sister, whose parents were sold as slaves and who now live and work on a plantation. Before being sold, their parents told them stories of how one day their people would fly away to freedom; these are the hopes and dreams that remain alive in their hearts.