The Seven Continents and Five Oceans (September ‘23)
Year one children have been working together to complete continent jigsaws and use picture atlases to match native animals to their continents. Year two have enjoyed making a fact page about each continent. We’ve all loved singing the ‘seven continents’ and ‘five oceans’ songs and have used maps to locate the continents and oceans.

Water Workshop (March ‘23)
Windermere class had an enjoyable and informative afternoon with Mrs Suddaby from United Utilities, teaching us about the importance of being efficient with water and where our water comes from. We loved looking at maps of Cumbria to identify our home villages of Oughterside and Prospect along with several Lake District lakes. We were fascinated to find out that the water we use comes from Thirlmere reservoir and to identify the journey that the water makes using underground pipes.