Late/Absence Procedures
Regular attendance at school ensures progress. Punctuality is a habit which prepares pupil for the world of work.
Consistent attendance at school is vital for making progress. We strive to work closely with the home to help with attendance issues. We will contact you at home if there are absences that are unexplained.
Every effort should be made to keep absence from school to a minimum. Doctor’s and dental appointments should, as far as possible, be made for outside school time. Attendance below 96% gives cause for concern.
Attendance letters are sent home termly, informing parents of their child’s attendance that term. Green letters are issued to pupils with attendance above 96%, Amber letters are sent to those with attendance between 92% and 95.9 and red letters are issued to those children whose attendance is below 92%. Attendance panels meetings will take place for those children whose attendance does not improve or for those children where there is a significant decline in attendance rates. These are carried out with the headteacher and a member of the governing body.
We do know that children may fall ill please inform the school on the first day of absence.
Absence from School
We would ask you to inform the School Office by telephone, or adult messenger, before 9 a.m. if your child is absent for any reason. If you are able to indicate how long your child will be absent, this will be noted in the register. However we recognise that children can recovery quickly or go downhill, so this is just for guidance.
We are obliged by law to keep accurate registers, including reasons for absence where possible. If no code is placed in the register for your child, a text message will be automatically sent, requesting that you contact the school office. Without a reason for the absence an unauthorised code will be used. All unauthorised absences are monitored.
No child will be released from school to visit the dentist or doctor unless a parent, or nominated adult, collects the child from school. This regulation is for the safety of your child so your co-operation would be much appreciated.
If your child is to be collected by someone unknown to the school, we would appreciate a note, or personal contact. This is an extremely important point – we have a legal responsibility to look after your child. It has not been unknown for children in other schools to be collected by people with less than innocent intentions.
Change of Address, Leaving and Holidays
We would be most grateful if you could notify the school immediately if you have a new home or work address, or telephone number. It is essential that our records are kept up to date in order to contact you in the unlikely event of an emergency.
Please give us advance notice (in writing) if you are leaving the area – this will give us time to prepare your child’s transfer report.
Due to changes in legislation the Headteacher can no longer authorise term time holidays. Any requests for holidays must be submitted, in writing, to the Governing Body of Oughterside School.