Life Skills
Beacon Hill Technology Day
Y5 visited Beacon Hill to make cookies, it was a great opportunity to mix and meet other Y5’s from local schools and practice their cooking skills. They had to use lots of different equipments, follow recipes and tidy up after themselves. We had a great time, had lots of fun and learnt loads too.
Luckily, we had some great weather for our bikeability this year, all the children worked really hard for their coach Fiona and practiced all their bike skills around the village. It was great to see their knowledge and understanding of how to keep themselves safe while about on their bikes improves so quickly in such a short amount of time. A great effort from everybody.
Delivering leaflets
Derwentwater enjoyed delivering leaflets around the village to let everyone know about our open day.
Chris Lumson’s mental health visit
Chris came into school for a follow up visit to discuss mental health:
*What it might look like,
*How to spot someone who’s finding things hard,
*Ways that you can help them.
It was a fabulous session and they all loved having him in again and we all learnt such a lot from him.
Kidsafe - Cyber Bullying and internet safety workshop - Spring 1
Crummock and Derwent Class were joined by KS today to discuss the importance of online safety. We spoke about numerous topics such as: Not sharing personal information, what to do if we see images the give us yucky feelings, age ratings of online games and apps that we are using, what cyber bullying is and how to report this, and privacy settings.
Children have been encouraged to go home and check privacy setting on digital devices and apps to ensure they are only in contact with people they really know. We spoke about how lying about our age can mean others can lie about their age to be younger also.
Children were also reminded of the kidsafe rules of always speaking to a trusted adult if we have yucky feelings.
Chester and Liverpool Residential
Derwentwater invited the Y4’s to join them on their residential to Chester and Liverpool and we all had a fabulous time, we headed off to our accommodation at Trafford Hall in Chester. We all enjoyed it there, they looked after us brilliantly, the food was fantastic, there was loads of space for us to have a run around and explore and our rooms were lovely and clean. The children enjoyed the opportunity to sleep away from home with their friends and become more responsible for themselves as well as visiting a city so we could compare it to the different rural paces we visit nearer home in Cumbria.
The second day the children were so tired after all the excitement we had to wake them all up! We needed time to eat breakfast, pack up our own bags and strip our beds ready for our day in Liverpool. It was a great opportunity for the children to think themselves about which bits of kit they needed in their ruck sacks and what they could leave in their suitcases. All in all we had a wonderful two days exploring the UK away from Cumbria, we learnt loads, spent loads of time together, had fun and made loads of memories.
Swimming at Workington
We have just completed our second week this year of swimming practice at Workington Pool. The kids have had a fantastic time improving all their skills, we’ve all become more confident in the water over the last week, improving our stamina and we are all able to swim that bit further than we could at the beginning of the week.
Xïnniàn Hão
Today David and Tian visited our school to host a Chinese New Year assembly. We learnt all about the traditions of the celebration and the reasons behind these. Tian also taught us how to sing a happy new year song in mandarin and we had our own school parade with dragons, the lion, and all the animals from the Chinese zodiac. This year is the year of the rabbit!
It's been a busy week in Derwentwater, Mr Hill from Bikeability has been in teaching us some very important lifeskill and road awareness so we can stay safe when we are out and about on our bikes. Everybody has grown in so much confidence during our time out on bikes around Oughterside practicing our skills.