Autumn 1 - Place Value
Investigating Flexible Partitioning

We used place value counters to help gain a better understanding of flexible partitioning. We started by creating a given number then we used part-whole models to investigate all the different ways we could partition the number.
Using number lines

We used numberlines to help us find one more and one less. We then explored how we could use numberlines to answer calculations.
Y4 Multiplication Test
In June, all Y4 pupils will take part in a multiplication test. This test follows a similar structure to the maths sessions that your child engages with when using TTRS.
Please read the information below for a full guide to these tests and how you can help aid your child's learning at home.
Parent Guide to MTC
All pupils have a login for Times Table Rock Stars. We advise that children use the site at least 3 x 15minutes a week to practise their multiplication skills. If you are unsure of your child's login details please let me know. They should be in the front of your child's planner.
Use the links below to download the TTRS app to your device.
Useful Websites for Multiplication Practise
Spring 2 - Fractions
We used place value counters and grids to help us to find fractions of different amounts.

We used counters to help us to change improper fractions to mixed fractions by grouping.

Maths Egg Hunt - revisiting column addition

Spring 1 - Multiplication and Division
This half term we will be developing our knowledge of multiplication facts. We will also be looking at how we can use different written methods to help us calculate more challenging multiplication questions.
Exploring factors by creating arrays

Autumn 2 - Using the column method for addition and subtraction
This half term we will be exploring the use of written methods to help us to complete maths calculations.
Please see the examples below.
We visited different planets and completed the calculations.
Autumn 1 - Place Value
This half term we will be building upon our knowledge of place value by learning about Roman numerals, counting in various amounts such as 25s and 50s, rounding to nearest amounts, ordering numbers, and using number lines and partitioning to help us solve problems.
Roman numerals challenge

Investigating Time

Exploring division with remainders
We have been exploring division using counters to make groups and find out how many counters are left as remainders.

Multiplying three numbers
Our Y4s have been learning how to complete calculations which involve multiplying three digits. We started by using counters to help us to represent the arrays and to help us to make sense of the calculations. We are now able to solve these questions using our multiplication knowledge.
Autumn term - Addition and Subtraction
This half term both Y3 and Y4 Maths lessons have focused on subtraction and addition.
In Y3 we have been introduced to using the column method when adding and subtracting. This has been a challenging method to crack and we have been using lots of strategies to help us understand why we have exchanges.
One of these has been to use place value charts on a small and large scale so we can see when exchanges need to happen and understand why.
Year 4 maths lessons has also focused partly on using the column method with numbers in the 1000s. We have also looked at ways to make our calculations much more efficient.
Alongside this we have all been having a big focus on learning our times tables. Below is a link to a couple of songs to help your child remember the 3 times tables. We also ask that children use the TTRS app as often as possible at home.
Y3 - What is the column method?
Y4 - Methods to make our calculations more efficient.
Battle of The Bands
This month we are having a battle of the bands competition between our table groups in Crummock Class. The group with the most points earned on Times Table Rockstars will be given a prize on the last day of term!
Encourage your child to practise at home to gain points for their band!