Pupil Premium
Oughterside Foundation School Pupil Premium
What is the Pupil Premium?
The Pupil Premium Grant is extra funding given for those pupils who qualify and are registered for Free School Meals (FSM), Looked After Children (LAC) and children of people serving in the forces. When circumstances change and families are no longer eligible, Pupil Premium will still be paid for six years, this is then known as Ever 6 (Ev6).
Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) is extra government funding that supports children who are 3 and 4 year old in their development, learning and care.
The extra funding which is paid to the childcare provider can be used to assist the improvement of a child's early education. For example, by investing in additional staff training and resources to help enhance and further expertise in specialised areas, such as speech and language.
What are we doing with our Pupil Premium Grant 2023-24?
PPG documents from previous years.
How much pupil premium did we receive?
The 2015 -2016 pupil premium allocation was £10,560
Cost | Aim | Outcome |
8 hours TA support to cover intervention packages
£3089.00 | Employ TA to run literacy and numeracy intervention programmes 4 afternoons per week
To support Pupil Premium children with different interventions. (Better Reading Partnership, Catch-Up Maths) and to provide pastoral support with challenging behavior and barriers to language. |
All PP children receiving intervention made good progress Sep – July |
TA support in class 30 hours per week
£6577.30 | To employ a full time TA to work in class to offer emotional, social and behavioural support for pupils. | LAC and PP children supported in class and made positive steps in managing their behaviour. |
Support School Trips |
£360.00 | To ensure all pupils have access to school visit to enrich their curriculum and remove the potential cost barrier | All children attended, and enjoyed, the trips. Writing skills were developed as trips and visits used as writing starting points.
Provide free transport to swimming and other sporting events
£400 | To support those who are unable to pay for a vital life skill | All children in Years 1-6 were able to attend swimming full year. |
To offer a nurture group support 1 hour per week
£915.30 | To employ TA to establish a nurture group | Increased engagement following sessions. Pupils benefit from regular small group attention and are able to articulate their emotions/ when faced with challenges in the school |
Total spend =
£11,341.60 |
The 2014 – 2015 Pupil Premium funding for our school was: £9100
The Pupil Premium funding that is received by the school annually is used in a variety of ways in order to improve pupil attainment and to help overcome any barriers to learning among disadvantaged children.
We have utilised strategies from Narrowing the Gap and the Sutton Trust Toolkit to improve learning that have been researched and analysed extensively, to inform us of the best ways to use this money.
Effective feedback:
- Parents are invited to attend termly in-depth consultation meetings with the teachers to discuss their child and the next steps for their child. Regular targets are set and shared with parents so that parents are able to support the progress of their child.
- Targets are shared with pupils and parents so next steps are specific to each child and clear.
- Children are given clear steps to move forward, on a daily basis, through assessment for learning.
- We have held meetings, discussing with parents ways to help their child at home with Reading and Phonics and have issued booklets for parents to refer to.
- We use marking effectively, which allows clear and effective feedback to every child with time to response to feedback during lesson times.
Meta-cognition and self-regulation strategies:
- This is used during PSHE and sessions to help vulnerable children gain awareness and develop strategies to improve their approach to learning and life.
- A nurture group has been established in the school and this enables children to work in small groups to discuss issues.
- Self esteem is linked to this approach, so the children are given many opportunities to celebrate their success, weekly celebration certificates, end of term achievement and effort awards, as well as being given opportunities to tell others of good work during Celebration assemblies every Friday.
Information and communication technologies:
We have invested in a range of new and enhancing, creating an ICT classroom. We have continued to invest in wireless technology and tablets to ensure children can support their learning in any area across school.
After School Programmes:
- We provide an after school programme at the end of the school day when children are involved in activities which are supervised by adults. Some activities have an academic focus and are taught by staff of the school; other activities are taught / supervised by adults with a range of skills and qualifications.
- We provide a breakfast club at the beginning of each day where pupils have the opportunity to have toast and juice, which sets them up for the school day. Children respond better and are more engaged and involved in their learning.
Individualised Instruction:
- Pupils across the school have access to an individualised maths programme, called Mathletics, where teachers tailor activities to meet the needs and abilities of pupils. Pupils are given a set of individual activities to complete. Pupils can access mathletics in school and at home. Mathletics has helped accelerate the speed at which pupils’ recall basic maths facts.
- We also run small intervention groups for children to address misconceptions and help narrow the gaps between these children and their peers.
- We also run booster groups and classes for those children who are sitting national tests – this enables them to prepare for the tests in smal groups and to work with a dedicated specialist teacher.
2012/13 £1800
- Use of the Pupil PremiumThe Pupil Premium is used at Oughterside School to pay for a range of activities and staff within the school that provide direct support and provision for students who are entitled to free school meals. Examples include:
Music provision for pupils
Additional class room support.
- The impact of the Pupil PremiumOur own self evaluation and review processes and those undertaken externally through Ofsted (2013) measure the impact of our interventions for all pupils. Even though we have a very low number of Pupil Premium pupils, tracking provides evidence that students who benefit from the Pupil Premium achieve well in the school.