Christianity - Joseph (January '24)
This half term Windermere class have been asking the key questions:
How do we know God was with Joseph?
I wonder why Joseph is a Bible hero?
What can we learn from the story of Joseph?
Below are some photos of us working within groups, retelling the story of Joseph, using props. We also added to our RE scrap book by making illustrations of what we feel Joseph would’ve said once he was reunited with his father, Jacob.

Christianity - Jesus (February '23)
This half term Windermere class have been investigating the key questions:
What is a miracle?
Why are Jesus' miracle stories important?
What do these stories teach us?
From this, we've looked at a variety of passages and stories from the new testament such as 'Jesus and the Children' and 'Jesus Heals Ten Men'. We've asked questions, shared opinions and looked at new vocabulary.
Take a look at some of our brilliant news reporting videos about Jesus' miracle; 'Blind Bartimaeus'!
