If you wish your child to be excluded from R.E. or assemblies, please consult with the class teacher.
At Oughtersode, we believe that Religious Education is an integral part of our pastoral curriculum that aims to engage, inspire, challenge and encourage all pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to answer challenging questions, explore different religious beliefs, values and traditions that are followed in our multi-cultural society. We want them to know how religious education promotes tolerance and combats prejudice, producing positive citizens, preparing them for adult life, employment and life-long learning.
Our Religious Education curriculum is compliant with the Cumbria Agreed Policy on Religious Education.There is a Christian Assembly each day, either in the School Hall, in the child’s classroom, and occasionally in the Church. Hymn Practice is held each week.
The School, has close connections with Aspatria and Hayton C. E. Churches, believes that our children should try to behave in accordance with the ideals of the Christian Religion – care for others, tolerance and understanding. We are regularly welcome the Vicar of Aspatria and Hayton into school for assembly and religious education. We also welcome visits from representatives of other Christian denominations, and other religious, from time to time.
We follow the Local Authority RE schemes of work which reflect the fact that the religious traditions in Great Britain are in the main Christian whilst covering Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism. Christianity is taught in every year group, with Christmas and Easter given fresh treatment each year, developing children’s learning in a progressive way. The scheme encourages discussion of the big questions in a safe enquiry space, enhances critical thinking and evaluation skills
Religious Education is taught within discrete weekly sessions focusing on one faith-based question each half term.
End of unit assessment pieces and teacher assessment are used to enable the pupils to show both the knowledge and understanding gained through a unit of study. These form the basis of assessments recorded on Scholar Pack.
RE 2 Year Overview 2022-24
Saint Andrew Assembly - 29th November 2023
Our local Vicar visited our school to talk about Saint Andrew, whose celebration day is tomorrow, 30th November.
We found out that Saint Andrew was a fisherman who was helped by Jesus when they were struggling to gather food. After asking for help from Jesus, their empty nets started to overflow with fish. This was one of Jesus’ first miracles. After this many of the fishermen decided to become disciples and follow Jesus.
We also spoke about how Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice of death to help the people of the world.
After the resurrection, Saint Andrew travelled around the world to follow in Jesus’ footsteps and help people. We spoke about the 3000 mile journey he did.
The King of Scotland once seen Saint Andrew in a dream when he was worrying about a battle who reassured him that he would win. The King then awoke to see the cross of Saint Andrew in the sky. This is why the Scotland flag contains the cross and Saint Andrew and why Saint Andrew is the Patron Saint of Scotland.