Electricity North-west came in to school to work with our KS2 classes to discuss how to keep safe around electric.
We also made electric circuits and then used symbols to draw diagrams of the circuits we made.
The Jungle Book at Theatre by the Lake
Crummock joined Derwentwater to go to the theatre, we went to see The Jungle Book at The Theatre by the Lake in Keswick. We were luckily enough to be sitting on the front row and had a fabulous view of all the amazing scenery and actors. The performance was fabulous and all the children throughly enjoyed their experience. It was all topped off nicely with a walk along the shore of Derwentwater where the children enjoyed a playground with a spectacular view. We were even lucky enough to bump into some of the actors from the performance who were happy to chat to the children and hear what they thought of the play. A fabulous day all round.
STEAM event at Bothel - 19th November 2024
We went to Bothel Village Hall to join our small schools STEAM event - Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths.
We had lots of fun learning about friction with santas sleigh races, creating algorithms to help Bee-Bots capture the flag, rescuing animals, creating circuits and learning about 3D printers.
World Habitat Day - 7th October 2024
We joined WWF for a virtual live assembly all about habitats and how we can protect them. We decided to go on a litterpick in our local area to protect animals that live in our village.
Football event - 27th September 2024
React Science Show - 26th September 2024
We joined other schools in the area at the annual react science show. This year the show was called ‘Look up!’ and was all about the stars and the scientists behind the developing theories.
School Trips
We have lots of school trips already planned for Crummock Class in 2023 - 2024 to enhance the lessons we teach in the classroom. Details of these will be sent home nearer the time.
Autumn Term
React Science Show
Cross Country
Visitors from Scarf
Talks from Cumbria Fire and Rescue
Tullie House Zoom Assembly
Tennis Competition
Stocks Wood
Crummock and Derwentwater had a fabulous time at Stocks Wood, fire making, pond dipping, marshmallow cooking and den building.
Athletics Event at Beacon Hill School
Crummock Class had a fabulous time at the athletics event hosted by Beacon Hill Secondary School. We were joined by three other local schools and the young leaders in Y8 led the activities. We participated in a long jump event, 100m sprint, Javelin, Shotput and Discus.
Crummock clearly have a strength when it comes to throwing events as we came first in both the shotput and javelin events.
It was also lovely to see ex pupils from Oughterside, Keelia and James.
Wheelchair basketball - 1st March 2024 - Lifeskills/P.E
Viking Workshop - 28th February 2024 - History
Dance Festival - 8th February 2024 - P.E/ Lifestills
Hockey Festival - 26th January 2024 - Sports/PSHE
We joined other schools from schools across our community to play hockey. Fantastic teamwork was displayed from our pupils, who included every member of the class in the game.
Volcano Workshop - 18th January 2024 - Geography
KS2 STEM Lego Challenge - STEM
KS2 classes took part in a Lego challenge using all the skills of STEM to complete challenges in teams.
The challenges were exactly that….. CHALLENGING! Although we worked well in teams, we all learnt ways we could improve our teamwork and make it more efficient next time.
Edwardian Cinema Trip - December 2023 - History
We travelled to Keswick so we could enjoy watching polar express in an Edwardian theatre! There are lots of beautiful features such as a type writer, beautiful lights and ornamental free standing iron radiators.
Foodbank Assembly - 27th November 2023 - Lifeskills
Y3/4 Dodgeball Competition - 17th November 2023 - PE/Lifeskills
We met with other small schools across Allerdale to take part in a Dodgeball competition. Crummock class showcased great determination during this tournament which resulted in them winning a game even though at one point they only had one player left!
Amazing to see everyone working together on the court as well as cheering on other schools.
Cumbria Fire and Rescue Fire Safety Talk - 3rd November 2023 - Lifeskills
Community Litterpick linked to our English text - Lifeskills
Y3/4 Football tournament - 29th September 2023 - P.E/ Lifeskills
Members of Crummock Class represented our school at the Silloth Football tournament. We played against four other teams from other schools in the area.
We had a fantastic time, showing off some terrific teamwork and great skills! It was lovely to hear the others cheering on their team mates when they were off the pitch and everyone grew in confidence as the tournament progressed.
Bobby was selected as one of the best boys on the pitch by the Sports Leaders at Solway School, but I was so proud of how everyone played. For most of our team this was the first time they had played in a football match and it was great to see you not giving up, even against some of the stronger teams!
Annual KS2 Science Show - 28th September 2023 - Science
This year the whole of Keystage Two were able to join other schools for the Annual REACT Science show. This years show was hosted by Simon from Science Made Simple (There is a link to his webpage at the bottom of this post). He presented the show, Ugly Animals. The show was all about unusual animals and their amazing skills. We found out some amazing facts about animals we have never heard of before.
Here are some below....
This is the horned lizard from North America. When threatened by a predator, it contracts the muscles surrounding its eyes which causes blood to pool. It then shoots this blood at predators to defend itself!
Eleanor in Derwent Class was chosen to demonstrate this skill on stage..... but she used silly string!
The velvet worm also shoots at its predators but instead of shooting blood it shoots slime!
Did you know that you share 50% of your DNA with a banana!
90% of all animals that we have ever discovered are now already extinct! Above is an image of a Dodo that we can now only see stuffed in museums!
Ugly Animals This webpage in created by Simon Watt who presented the show
Hawes End Residential - 24th - 25th May
Crummock Class were joined by Y2 pupils from Windermere Class on residential. For all the children on the trip this was their first ever school residential. We all had a fantastic time!!
Our First Day
When we arrived at the cottage we found out where we were sleeping and had to make our own beds! We needed lots of help from Miss Warwick, Miss Bradley and Mrs Hayley!
After all that hard work it was time for our dinner. We ate our packed lunches on the patio and listened to all the birds. A cockchaffer beetle joined us. These beetles look very big and can look a little scary but are very gentle.
It was then time to get our kit on and get wet ghyll scrambling in Hause Gill! This tested some of us but we all persevered. We had lots of fun crawling under obstacles and splashing in the cold water pools! Perfect in the sunshine!
Once we were back at the cottage and changed, we had dinner at the main building. We ate sausage and chips followed by Sticky Toffee Pudding.
Then it was off for a walk around Derwent Water and games before 'bed'.
Day Two
We were up very early so we packed up our rooms, stripped our beds and walked to Derwent Water before breakfast. We were joined by a very curious swan.
We then went to see Jim to get our kit and headed back down to Derwent Water for a morning of canoe rafting. Some of us were a little nervous about going out on to the lake but we were all really pleased that we gave it a try and it was tonnes of fun.
We played duck chase, races, and tug of war! We even all stood up to paddle back to the shore! As we already had wet shoes and socks, and it was extremely hot, we decided to have a splash in the lake to finish our morning. Miss Warwick was soaking us with the bucket but we soaked her too!
For dinner we enjoyed a picnic packed lunch which we had made ourselves in the morning (joined by Steve the Pheasant) before clambering back on to the bus to head back to school.
Changing States Science Workshop - 18th May 2023
Today we were joined by a team of Scientists from Sellafield. They came into school to discuss irreversible changes with our KS2 children and the children had lots of fun observing what happens when bicarbonate of soda and vinegar are mixed. For the upper KS2 children this was an opportunity from them to revisit previously taught science, whereas lower KS2 used their knowledge from other science topics.
After mixing 50ml of vinegar with the bicarbonate of soda, they then doubled the quantise and made predictions about what would happen to the balloon as a result of this change. Many of the children were nervous that their balloon would burst!
As you can see from the video, the children really enjoyed the experiments and definitely had lots of fun!