School Values
Values and Ethos
Aims: The staff and governors of Oughterside School intend that every pupil will have equal opportunity to develop to their maximum potential, intellectually, spiritually, physically, socially and morally.
Values: The staff and governors of Oughterside School wish to create a learning environment which is based on mutual respect, openness, trust, tolerance, self-discipline, respect and to foster a feeling for school as part of the community.
In the light of continuously changing National Curriculum, and other, documents and papers, and local initiatives, it is necessary for the school to examine and review regularly all aspects of the school curriculum. As part of the continuous educational process, Oughterside Foundation School is always looking for ways to improve, supplement and develop the quality of education provided for all of the children.
As part of our ongoing vision to give our children a breadth of experience and a broad education, we teach personal values through assemblies, as well as focusing on other important issues and worldwide celebrations each week.
Our assembly rotation is as follows:
Monday: Personal Values.
Tuesday: 'In the News'
Wednesday: World Religions.
Thursday: Online Safety and Keeping us Safe.
Friday: Celebration Assembly