Support and groups for families
Autism Support Groups
Bee Unique A charity set up to relieve the needs of those diagnosed with Autism and those who are currently engaged in the medical diagnosis of Autism and their immediate families and carers in England in particular, but not exclusively, by the provision of support and recreational activities.
ICAAN West Cumbria I CAAN is a group of volunteers that organise activities for people with autism and their families in Allerdale and Copeland. I CAAN is totally run by volunteers, many of whom are parents of children with autism. If you would like to help, in any way you can, please contact us by going to the Contact Us page. I CAAN organises activities for the whole family. Typical activities include swimming, bowling, soft play, horse riding, craft workshops, general sports sessions, Youth Cafe and I CAAN Hub, and family day-trips.
Cumbria Autism Family Support Project (Linked to National Autistic Society The Project covers the five district council areas of Carlisle, Eden, Allerdale, Copeland and Barrow. The Family Support Workers will work with families of children under the age of 18 who have a diagnosis of autism. The Family Support Workers will provide information and advice by telephone or email, and when necessary will visit parent/carers of children and young people with autism at home or in a mutually convenient location. The support workers can also provide support in meetings, and run the 'What Now?' parent training programme and workshops for parents.
Owl Blue - Support for those with hidden disabilities. Owl Blue is a not for profit organisation, based in Maryport, West Cumbria, and has been established for just over 13 years. We work with the families of people with hidden disabilities and those who share their lives. These hidden disabilities include Autism and co-occurring conditions such as learning disabilities and mental health problems, PDA (Pathological Demand Avoidance), ADHD and the Deaf.
ADHD Support Groups
ADHD UK ADHD UK is by people with ADHD for people with ADHD.
Financial support
Cost of Living Support - Cumbria County Council A link to the County Website, identifying ways to support families who are experiencing financial difficulties.
North Lakes Foodbank Support for those in financial difficulty, helping to provide food for those families in need.
Mental Health and Wellbeing
West Cumbria Mental Health Partnership The partnership has been formed to connect people with a range of community mental health support across Allerdale and Copeland and to raise awareness in the area about the great range of support available through both our partners and lots of other organisations who we work closely with. There is a wide range of low level mental health support available in Allerdale & Copeland and this page has been developed to help you find the types of support that you feel are right for you or someone you know.
General Family Support
Family Action Families come in all shapes and sizes. No matter how they are constructed, Family Action is committed to supporting them to realise their potential. All families encounter difficult and challenging times and many will find ways to deal with their problems, getting the support they need from friends and relatives. There are times, however, when problems can seem too overwhelming to manage. Family Action works to tackle some of the most complex and difficult issues facing families today – including financial hardship, mental health problems, social isolation, learning disabilities, domestic abuse, or substance misuse and alcohol problems. These issues can have a huge impact on the stability of family life, and will have a significant impact on the health, wellbeing and development of all family members. Family Action believes that families facing these difficulties should have the support they need to become stronger, happier and healthier. With the right kind of support, families can overcome their difficulties and find hope for a brighter future. We work directly with vulnerable children and families through our services and we also support professionals and organisations through our training and consultancy provision.