Home Learning
Our children will access home learning through a variety of sources.
In KS1 and KS2, we use the online platform 'Seesaw' to share work, communicate with parents and set online tasks.
In EYFS, they use the Tapestry.
Each child has their own individual log in for SeeSaw and Tapestry. Parents have been sent this, however, please contact the school office if you need support logging in to these.
Children also have a range of subscriptions that they can access for home learning. These include;
- TT Rockstars
- Spelling Shed
- SATs Companion
- Mirodo
- Learning by Questions
- Oxford Owl - Read Write Inc Phonics
We may also direct children to useful websites to support their learning. This may be done my email to parents or set on their online learning platform.
The links to download Seesaw are below.
For Google apps:
For Apple apps:
The links to Tapestry are below:
For Google apps:
For Apple apps: