Design Technology
In this unit of work, the children designed and created their very own waistcoats.
They had to prepare the fabric by marking and cutting it according to their design criteria, assemble their waistcoat and attach decorative objects using a variety of stitches and finally, evaluate their final design.
Take a look at the pictures below of our fantastic designs!
Electrical Doodlers
This half term, Derwent’s unit of work is focussing on electrical systems and will result in us designing and making our own Christmas themed Doodlers. A Doodler is an electrical device that uses a motor to generate a wobbly offset spin and scribble jagged circles and patterns. We have investigated a simple Doodler to determine the factors that affect the product's form and function. We used our findings to plan and design our own Christmas Doodler, taking into consideration which tools would work and how they should be positioned in order to create the best pattern.
Our Christmas Doodlers
Investigating Doodlers
Derwentwater really enjoyed their D&T project, designing and making their own clocks. I think you'll agree they all look rather proud of what they were able to produce.