These are the dates we have in the diary so far! The next few weeks are pretty hectic – we will do our best to keep you informed of events and any changes that may occur.
Tuesday 27th June – Sports Day 1:15pm start for races followed by our fete. If we need to cancel we will make the decision by 9:30 am and send text messaged to all parents. Nursery children are welcome to stay for the afternoon.
Thursday 29th June –Swimming for Years 3,4,5,&6
Friday 30th June – Paul Lawman Run @ 2pm. Spectators welcome. Children will be allowed to leave with parents once the race is complete. KS1 will run around the field and KS2 will race around the village.
Wednesday 5th July – Y6 transition day at Beacon Hill
Thursday 6th July – Swimming for Years 3,4,5&6
Friday 7th July – Class trips
Thursday 13th July – Last swimming session for Years 3,4,5&6
Reports out to parents
Tuesday 18th July – Year 6 leavers assembly time TBA
Wednesday 19th July – Break the rules and non- uniform day
Thursday 20th July – non uniform and party morning. School closes at 1:10pm