Liverpool Trip
Dear Parent/Carer,
KS1 Trip – World Museum, Liverpool
To support Windermere’s current topic of ‘Ancient Egypt’ and their upcoming topic of ‘Creepy Crawlies’, I have organised a trip to the World Museum in Liverpool. The museum currently offers a fantastic Ancient Egypt exhibition and gallery along with insect related fun stuff and activities!
The bus will be departing at 8.00am on Tuesday 5th March so we ask that children are in school at 7.50am for register and toileting. We will be returning back to school at around 7pm. The entry into the museum is free and school is subsidising the cost of an extra ‘bug workshop’ activity however, we’d be extremely appreciative of £15 towards the cost of coach travel there and back. Children will be provided with a packed lunch (those that want to bring their own can do so) and we ask that they bring healthy snacks and a water/juice bottle for the journey. Children can bring spending money if they wish however, I ask that this is no more than £10 and money is in a named wallet/purse or envelope. Children are to wear full school uniform. Please fill out the permission form below along with payment and return back to school no later than Thursday 28th February.
Many thanks,
Miss Bradley
I give permission for my child to attend the full day trip to the World Museum in Liverpool on Tuesday 5th March and have included the payment of £15.
Name of child ______________________________
Signed ____________________________________